As many of you probably know, I'm a very big roleplay fan. This site is strictly for RP lovers! Please do not join if you do not favor roleplays!
The rules are pretty simple:
First of all, no inappropriate or mean comments.
You ARE allowed to have make out or kissing scenes, but nothing more intamite or sexually mature than that.
Any users of cus words or mean critisism will have their accounts be banned immediatley.
You CAN ask to be a moderator, but please don't be offended if I reject your offer.
I encourage you to contact me if you are concerned about something on this forum.
Roleplay threads are strictly for roleplays! Please do not start any conversations or other topics on roleplay threads.
You may join as many roleplays as wanted, but if you do not reply in 1 week on an rp, your character will be deleted.
I "suggest" being involved in only about 3 rps.
You will see that you are first titled as Beginner. After 10 posts you will be a Poster, after 100 posts you will be a Roleplayer, after 200 post you will be a Roleplay Fan, after 500 posts you will be a Roleplay Master.