"NO!" shouted Natasha. "I said that springs are USUALLY safe to drink from!!" She pulled Brooked away from the spring. "When we find the source of water, then I'll be able to tell if it's sanitary or not." She began walking upstream by the spring.
"Umm..Brooke, natural poisoning in springs isn't that uncommon...About 38.7% of all springs are poisoned. And it isn't that uncommon for the taste to not be affected either..." Natasha continued.
"Well, it's better than freaking out like you!" Brooke giggled, "It's okay to be serious, but your life dosn't revolve around always doing the right thing. I don't plan things. I go where life takes me, and act from there!"
"Whatever..." Natasha finally came to the water source. "It looks okay, judging that the spring comes from large boulders...If it came from smaller or weathered rocks, that would be a sign that acid or poison has been eating away the rock."